Your place in nature

Unleash the adventure in you – reserve your spot today!

Camping Šobec
9.3° C
Lake temp.
9.3° C

Friendly cycling services

Bicycle rental, depot and repair service

Adventure activities

Fishing, rafting, kayaking, abundance of hiking trails

Proximity to Attractions

Close to Lake Bled, Bohinj and Triglav National Park

Quality Dining Options

High-quality restaurant and dining offerings

Accommodation Variety

Diverse range of camping plots and bungalovs

Nature & Tranquility

Surrounded by nature and tranquility

Welcome to Nature's Embrace

Immerse yourself in a calm holiday amidst unspoiled nature. Take in the serene river views against the backdrop of the majestic Alps, and inhale the refreshing scent of pine.

Explore Camping Šobec – a distinctive creation of nature where you can break free from the hustle of daily life and rediscover your inner balance. Relax or engage in various activities - pay a visit to famous Lake Bled, a 10-minute drive from the camping site, adding an extra touch to your getaway.

Welcome to Nature's Embrace

Welcome to Nature's Embrace Welcome to Nature's Embrace Welcome to Nature's Embrace

Campsite Map

Navigate Your Adventure with Our Interactive Map


360° View

Immerse Yourself in a 360° Oasis – Explore Every Angle


Live Cam

Real-Time Nature Views: Tune into Our Live Cam Today


The perfect getaway for all guests

Unwrap Adventure

Discover Exclusive Offers Now

Dive into extraordinary camping experiences with our limited-time specials. Your escape to nature just got even more enticing – seize the deal today!

15 % DISCOUNT for

Groups of over 30 people

Perfect break for groups now cheaper!

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10% discount for

hikers and cyclists

Nature-friendly vacation at lower prices!

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10% DISCOUNT + FREE USE of various sports activities for

reservations of 7 nights or more!

Let your longer vacation be cheaper!

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Embracing 68+ years, our award-winning camp cherishes nature through eco-friendliness and gratitude for Mother Nature's gifts.


Over 68 years of quality and tradition

We are elevating your vacations for over 68 years.

Awarded Eco friendly camp

Awarded for eco-friendly excellence, we commit to sustainability, quality, and cyclist-friendly accommodations.

More than 2.000.000 happy guests

We take pride in hosting over 2 million delighted guests.

Continuous growth and enhancements

Continual investments and renovations ensure an ever-improving experience for our guests.

Unforgettable experiences in our company

Many adventures await here at Camping Šobec, while those more inquisitive can explore numerous sights and beautiful Slovenian attractions.

Camping Šobec

Camping Šobec

Natural lake · Playground · Sports activities



Cycling · Hiking · Rafting



Bled · Ljubljana · Velika planina

Capture the moment and share your memories with us!

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_campingsobec_ 21. marec, mednarodni dan gozdov🌳 Skoraj 60% Slovenije je prekrite z gozdom in tako je skoraj vsak kotiček Slovenije v neposredni bližini gozda, tudi kamp Šobec.🌲 Zanimivost, nas slovencev je 2 milijona, kar 500 000 slovencev pa je lastnikov/solastnikov slovenskih gozdov. Vsak četrti slovenec je torej lastnik svojega čudovitega dela narave.🌳 … 21 March, International Day of Forests🌳 Almost 60% of Slovenia is covered with forest, almost every corner of Slovenia is in close proximity to a forest, including Camping Šobec.🌲 Interesting fact, there are 2 million Slovenians, and 500 000 Slovenians are owners/co-owners of Slovenia’s forests. Every fourth Slovenian is therefore the owner of his or her own beautiful part of nature.🌳
_campingsobec_ Drage dame! Šobčeve dame vam želimo vse najlepše ob našem prazniku.❤️ Lepo ga praznujte!😍 … Dear Ladies! Ladies from Šobec wish you all the best on our holiday.❤️ Spend it well!
_campingsobec_ A bi lahko rekli da je tole … pomlad?💛 Mi se že veselimo toplejših dni in ne pozabite, kamp se odpira 18.4.!🌼 … Could you say that this is … spring?💛🌸 We are looking forward to warmer days and to not forget, the campsite opens on 18.4.!🌼
_campingsobec_ instagram
_campingsobec_ Danes je mednarodni dan turističnih vodičev!💙 Nismo turistični vodiči, vendar naši receptorji to za vas pogosto postanejo. Z veseljem vam vedno pomagajo pri načrtovanju izletov, tako vnaprej, kot tistih zadnjo sekundo. Če potrebujete kakšno pomoč pri načrtovanju, nam lahko pišete že zdaj, vedno pa lahko za pomoč prosite tudi na recepciji.😊 … Today is International Tourist Guide Day!💙 We’re not tourist guides, but our receptionists often become guides for you. They are always happy to help you plan your trips, both in advance and at the last second. If you need any help with planning, you can contact us now or you can always ask for help at the reception.😊 #camping #campingsobec
_campingsobec_ instagram
_campingsobec_ Pri nas se tudi pozimi na polno dogaja!😍 Sanitarije 4🚿 Prenavljamo stare sanitarije, ki bodo v novi sezoni služile kot nove privatne kopalnice. Do sedaj smo imeli privatne kopalnice le v zgornjem delu kampa, zdaj pa imate možnost rezervacije le teh tudi v spodnjem delu.😊 Sanitarije 6🚰 Poleg starih sanitarij (zdaj privatnih kopalnic) pa gradimo nove sanitarije, ki bodo končane do začetka te sezone! … There is a lot going on in the winter time as well!😍 Sanitary building number 4🚿 We are renovating the old sanitary building, which will be used as building for new private bathrooms in the season 2025. Until now we have only had private bathrooms in the upper part of the campsite, but now you can also book them in the lower part Sanitary building number 6🚰 Next to the old toilets (now private bathrooms), we are building new sanitaries, which will be finished by the beginning of this season!
_campingsobec_ Sezona sejmov se za nas letos zaključuje, z vami pa bi radi podelili par utrinkov!🎉 Ste nas prišli pogledat tudi vi?😉 ⛺🥾⛺🥾⛺🥾⛺🥾⛺🥾 The fair season is coming to an end for us this year and we'd like to share a few highlights with you!🎉 Did you come to see us too? Let us know.😉
_campingsobec_ Čudovito zimsko jutro!❄️ … A wonderful winter morning!❄️
_campingsobec_ instagram
_campingsobec_ Današnja svetloba😍 … Today’s lightning😍 #camping #campingsobec #campingslovenia #slovenia #slowenien #slowenia #slovenija #ifeelslovenia #lepoteslovenije #slovenialovers #campsite #campstyle #nature #season2025 #summerholidays #photoholidays #photography
_campingsobec_ Ekipa kampa Šobec vam vsem želi lepe praznike!🎅🏻❤️ … Team of Camping Šobec wishes you all happy and blessed holidays!🎅🏻❤️ *Letos ni belega božiča, tako da so slike žal lanske😢
_campingsobec_ instagram
_campingsobec_ Ob mednarodnem dnevu gora z vami ponosno delimo našo najljubšo goro, Stol, torkat iz nekoliko drugačne perspektive!🗻 … On international Mountain Day, we proudly share our fabourite mountain, STOL, with you!🗻 📸 @jernej_leskovar #camping #campingsobec #campingslovenia #slovenia #slowenien #slowenia #slovenija #ifeelslovenia #lepoteslovenije #slovenialovers #campsite #campstyle #nature #season2025 #summerholidays #photoholidays #photography #mountain #mountainlife #stol #karavanke #karawanken

We take pride in our awards

Camping Šobec is an internationally recognised camp of the highest category. We are proud that our efforts have been recognised by numerous Slovenian and foreign tourist organisations.

Sign up today and ever miss another deal again!

Dear guests, visitors, travelers!

We are now accepting reservations for the 2025 season!

Book your 'unit' on our reservation portal and secure your place in nature!

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