Dan slovenske hrane in tradicionalni slovenski zajtrk!🍞🍯
Na ta dan se spomnimo, da je hrana, ki so jo pripravili naši, domači ljudje, bolj sveža in bolj okusna, cilj pa je s tem seznaniti otroke, mladino, širšo javnost - s tem pa tudi naše goste. Poudariti želimo tako pomen kmetijstva in čebelarstva ter vpliv hrane na okolje.
V poletni sezoni se po kampu skupaj vozita dva vozička s hrano, enega predstavlja naša restavracija @restavracijasobec , ki dnevno ponuja svež kruh in pecivo, drugega pa @kmetijaprmatevz , ki skrbi za mlečne izdelke (in s tem tudi za domače maslo).
Slovenian Food Day, 15 November and the traditional Slovenian breakfast!🍞🍯
On this day, we remember that food prepared by our own, local people is fresher and tastier, and the aim is to make it more familiar to children, young people and the general public - and therefore to our guests. We want to highlight the importance of agriculture and beekeeping and the impact of food on the environment.
During the summer season, two food trolleys run together around the campsite, one is our restaurant @restavracijasobec , which offers fresh bread and pastries daily, and the other is @kmetijaprmatevz , which takes care of the dairy products (and therefore the homemade butter).
So today is the day you should remember to eat Slovenian food: bread, butter and honey!😍